Monday, July 28, 2008

What do you BELIEVE?

There are certain things I have come to understand about life (and am still coming to understand):

1- Everything has a gestation period; you can't grow a baby in 3 months; you can't grow a tomato in 2 weeks; if what you're doing in your life is growing an oak, don't expect it to grow in a willow's time. There's a gestation period to everything.

2- Set your intention and keep your attention focused on creating it; when you focus on what you don't want, you get more of that; when you focus on what you DO want, you look for the signs that, everyday, remind you you're getting closer.

3- There are no such things as obstacles, just opportunities; Everything that happens happens for a reason and it's up to us to find the seed of the equivalent advantage and see it so.

4- When something less than desirable happens, I work very hard not to see it as a struggle but I also don't say, "This is wonderful!" and go into gratitude for the experience if it's a tragic or negative one; I see it as an opportunity to learn and grow and to tell the universe "I am who I say I am" and continue on knowing that I'll have what I've set out to have.

Words have power. But it's not what you say that counts; it's what you FEEL about what you say. You could tell me "I'm going to be a millionaire" and, if, underneathe that talk, is "I'll never make it. I'll always be poor", there's your result. It's not what you say but what you FEEL about what you say that draws the energy to accomplish just that.

One of my favorite quotes comes from "A Warrior of the Light" by Paulo Coelho:

"A Warrior of the Light is reliable. He makes a few mistakes, he sometimes thinks he is more important than he really is, but he does not lie.

When people gather around the fire, he talks to his friends, male and female. He knows that his words are stored in the memory of the Universe, like a testimony of what he thinks.

The Warrior asks himself: "Why do I talk so much, when often I am incapable of carrying out everything I say?"

His heart replies: "When you defend your ideas in public, you then have to make an effort to live accordingly." It is because he BELIEVES that he is what he says he is that the Warrior ends up becoming precisely that."

- A Warrior of the Light, Paulo Coehlo

My question is not what do you say but what do you BELIEVE?

All the best!

Kassandra Vaughn, the ROI Coach

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