Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why Generosity Is So Important

You cannot receive what you aren't ready to give... Make sense?

If you find yourself walking through life thinking, "How can I get what I want? What is it going to take to make this happen?", you'll also find that there are many times when you feel like you're giving and giving and getting less and less. Why do you feel this way?


The generous person gives with no expectation. They give ONLY WHAT THEY HAVE TO GIVE. If you are giving your time and energy to someone who is taking that time and energy and using it for their benefit and their benefit alone, you are not being generous. You are being used and what you're giving out really isn't what you actually have to give because the generous person knows their boundaries. They are able to confidently say, "This is enough. I honor myself by setting my boundaries." When you give too much, you max out the credit card called "my energy." You'll know when you've done this because you will give to someone and you'll always walk away feeling like you've lost something.

That's not generosity.

Generosity is simple, kind, and readily available. It's about giving 100% even when you don't have to. It's about treating people the way you'd want to be treated. It's about waiting to give if you can't give in the way you intuitively know you should be giving.

You can't be a cheap skate and be generous. You can't underpay your employees and be generous. You can't expect the world of people and not be willing to give the world to people and think you're generous. That's the biggest illusion.

There are many who think they're generous because they're kind. Not true. You can be kind and give nothing to no one. Generosity requires release. Release requires openness. Openness requires understanding of the self, YOUR SELF.

Generosity begins by asking one simple question, "How can I serve today?"

That is generosity. Know that this is an abundant world where there is more than enough for everyone. If you feel like someone's taken advantage of you, take your power back by knowing that everything happens for a reason and all things turn out exceptionally well because there is no limit to what you can do.

When you know that there's more than enough for everyone, every gift is a gift that keeps giving. Know your limits, know yourself, and give with a conscious understanding of the difference between giving to give and giving to get.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority. See the link below for more info.
